Rarely has a demand regarding education been so persistently repeated throughout history as the demand that school be related to life. From Seneca to our present day, this demand has been emphasized in various forms, yet never with complete success. The function of school has evolved over the centuries, but it has consistently served a specific social order.
Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a scientific-technical revolution and experiencing far-reaching social changes—on the threshold of the cosmic era, in fact. The amount of scientific information is increasing rapidly, and consequently, the knowledge offered in and beyond school must also grow. Keeping pace with this evolution is a Herculean task. Even in our era, characterized by rapid and profound changes in all aspects of social life, the renewed demand for this task remains: school is not only expected to establish a balance between itself and life but is also expected to accelerate social changes.
Therefore, the Teachers, Staff, and Management of ABC Academy are dedicated to envisioning a type of school that would satisfy this centuries-old aspiration while staying attuned to modern-day needs. We strive to create an educational environment that not only responds to the demands of life but also actively shapes and enhances the social changes of our time.
Welcome to ABC Academy, where we are committed to bridging the gap between education and life, preparing our students for the dynamic world ahead.
Best Wishes
Er. Narayan Sarmah
Chairman, Jai Tulsi Trust